Gileba: First aid for your website

Gileba has released a new version of Tablemaker, the Joomla! module that allows users to add the content of a CSV-file easily to the Joomla powered website.

Version 1.0.1 is a small update that enhances the use of the module and contains some code optimisations.

What's new?

  • Added option to set the color of the active pagination item (previously only the backgroundcolor could be set).
  • The field to set the minimum number of characters for a lookup in the table is now placed under the option to activate the lookup. It will only show when that option is enabled.
  • All ID attributes now contain the ID of the module to be unique in case the module is used more than once on a page. This fixes a problem where lookup and pagination were not able to perform correctly when two or more modules are rendered on the same page. Check your custom CSS if you have used an id-attribute for styling this module (which is never recommended). All id-attributes have now changed to be unique in a DOM, as per definition.
  • CSS ID-attribute 'csvtable' is only needed when the options lookup or pagination are enabled.
  • Added version attribute to the manifest-file of the module.


Registered users can download the newest version from their account.

Paying users have the easy option to install the newest version through the Extension Manager of their registered website.